Wednesday, October 22, 2008

letter I and number 5

An update on Sterling Baptist Church school this week. Cameron is learning about the letter I and tomorrow is taking in the book "Itsy Bitsy Spider". It was a hard letter for show and tell! Today he made this lovely Iguana.
Jamie is working on the number 5 and the colour orange. Here are 5 monkeys jumping on an orange bed. Jamie is a bed-jumping monkey too.
Tomorrow is picture day at school and I have smart shirts for the boys to wear. Watch out for the photos coming soon!

And finally, Cameron told his first joke today. At dinner tonight he said "oh mummy, why do humming birds hum?" and I said, "I don't know, why do they hum?" and he said "because they've forgotten the words!" He had such a laugh!

1 comment:

Debra Owen said...

How cute-his joke! I love that. I'm wondering what the iguana is doing in the tree? :-) I love your posts with their art work. Lovely.