Thursday, May 7, 2009

first love?

Cameron really seems to have a crush on a girl at school.  I think it will be fun to remember this moment many years from now when he's with a serious girlfriend or perhaps at his wedding?  He told me today that his friend, Sarisha, was the nicest girl to look at in his class.  Isn't that lovely? He likes to play princes and princesses with her and their other friends during their playtime.

The good news is that she seems to like him too. Earlier this week she rushed up to say hello to him as he arrived at the classroom. "Want to play princes and princesses today?" she asked eagerly..."oh well, sure, I guess" said if he hadn't been talking about it in the car the whole way to school!  Playing it cool already Mr. Cameron!
Anyway, it is all very sweet and innocent and I think they've just reached an age where they realise they are building friendships of choice.  Cameron and I talked about kids he likes playing with at school and other kids who he'd rather not play with...he's growing up so fast! 

1 comment:

Debra Owen said...

That is so very sweet. What a nice memory!