Thursday, November 13, 2008

weekly art corner

It's time for our weekly art corner with all the take home craft projects from school.

Cameron's class is studying dinosaurs for the month of November. This is a little stuffed toy dinosaur and I think the kids got to stick on the eyes and colour it. For some reason the letter H horse only just came home this week. We're betting on number 3 - looks like a winner even if it's back legs are a little short.

Here is one of Jamie's projects that he was really happy with. He loved the feathers - me too!
And finally, another Jamie project - before you ask - it is a pig with a number 8 snout and a cute curly pink tail. His eyes are a little wobbly but perhaps that's because he spent all morning with a class of 2 year olds.


Debra Owen said...

I love the art projects! I think your school does really nice ones. The flamingo is so funny!

Steele Family said...

that's great! i love your commentary about the pig :)

Muser | Writer | Traveler said...

They do great projects! Where are you putting all these? We had a drawer that they went in until Em forgot about them - then we would take the best ones and throw the rest away. But we were afraid one day that she would catch us doing it :-)