Thursday, November 20, 2008

thanksgiving art corner

This is our wonderful Thanksgiving art corner. As you can see, the boys have been busy at school this week.

Today Cameron produced a full Thanksgiving dinner!And this is a sweet little fluffy, pine cone, turkey from Jamie.
And finally the hand-print turkey from Cameron. This one is also a placemat that he's been using since he brought it home from school.
Rachel has been visiting from Atlanta the last couple of days and it was great to see her. I realised that we did lots of chatting, catching up, running errands, playing with the boys and Rachel even got to watch Peter Pan with Cameron, but we didn't take any photos. My mistake. Hopefully Rachel will visit again soon - we miss her!


Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

Oh! sorry no photos, I need to touch base with her soon! LOVE the art!

Steele Family said...

Nice artwork- love the pinecone turkey!