Monday, August 11, 2008

big boy pants

Jamie is wearing big boy pants! Yesterday he went all day in big boy pants with no accidents. We are so proud of him. He has Diego, Thomas and Cars pants and loves wearing them. I can hardly believe it's happened. Today we will have a victory visit to Toys R Us so he can choose his reward. The deal is that because he went all day with no accidents he gets to pick any toy (with parental guidance) which I'm hoping will be a scooter since the one we had sadly broke and he loves anything that makes him go faster.


Steele Family said...

wow-that's amazing!

Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

Congrats! My kids seem to have regressed. :-( Abby wet her big girl pants 3 times in and hour and a half yesterday.... I didn't try to hard today. Unfortunate about the consistency (mine and hers).

Mom2Girls said...

Wow already?? He's so quick!! Good for you - I bet he wants to be just like his big brother!!